Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Romantic poetry and women writers

Women writers in difficult conditions as a woman and artist in the 19th century.
1- Society of those times
2-Women role
a) women wives or nuns
b) Artistic women
They strated to open spaces forbidden for women. Thanks them we can develop in different aspect that in the past some works were consider just for men.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens was a great writer who was focused on society issues. He lived in 19th century which was an important age the industrial revolution brought positve things but also a lot of negative consequences to the society.

In his short story the signal man appears as a main character a man who is slave of his work and his job is a consequence of Industrial Revolution. The loneliness, and people without anny opportunity of escape to their cruel reality are themes that Dickens underlines in his stories. Through the signal man and Oliver Twist stories the outhor produces critical thinking. Consequently the reader really gets the idea of society of those times. A society which suffers in silence without rights, without welfare state and poverty is totally rejected and help is almost nonexistent.