Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Odour of Chrysanthemums and the Rocking Horse Winner

These two short stories have a lot of points in common. The importance of money appears in both stories but from different points of view. In the Odour of Chrysanthemums the luck of money and the misery show up in everypart of the story. I notice these issues through the details of the narration, for instance the description of smells and colors. These descriptions are very clear that I can tell the poverty and the misery. In the Rocking Horse Winner also there is luck of money but there is no misery. The family refuse to face up to the reality and they still try to keep the expensive life style. Money is so important in this short story that the child of the family is worried about it.

There is another important point that the two stories have in common. The father figure is absent, the father appears as a supplier his main function is bring money to home and the affection part is nonexistent.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

luck or richness?

This short story is about the complexity of belong to a certain social class. In the story the family does not have enough money but they must keep the expensive style although. One of the children realizes about the luck of money. Consequently this issue was in the child’s mind, he asked to his mother why they have money problems and the mother answered because your father is unlucky. This part in the short story is fundamental because it determined the central topic of the story. It is very important to be a lucky person more than be rich. If you are lucky everything is going to be easier, you will know the right people at the right time in the correct place. Opportunities are going to be everywhere, any decision that you make will has positive consequences in your life. Great ideas will come up easily to your mind when you are lucky.
Finally if you are rich and luck is not in your side you can loose your richness. Maybe you have a lot of money but you are lonely. In addition luck is more important than richness because money without luck is useless.