Sunday, September 21, 2008

The invisible Japanese gentleman

This short story is related to the realism movement because it is a simple story full of common details. The comments of the narrator are fundamental in the short story for understand some important details about the characters. For instance through the narrator’s comments the reader can knows that the beautiful lady belongs to upper class. The role of the japaneses is very important because the outhor tries to show that the lady does not have the power of observation. On the other hand the lady thinks she is an excellent writer with the power of observation. Nevertheless she does not have this power she is not able to see the reality she is always thinking about herself.

I think the main point of this story is a satire about romantic writers who are up in the moon instead of being focus on the reality. In addition the satire is concentrated on artists who belong to the aristocracy and their work are useless with cliche titles.

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