Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Romantic view:
In 19th century life was difficult. Human rights and welfare started in this period. Consequently abuse was present in every where. Nevertheless the world was changing the industrial revolution changed the way of leaving of human beings. Factories become important buildings located in the cities and poor people from the outsides saw factories as a life opportunity. Though they were wrong factories become in the symbol of power abuse. Children and women were exploitation and men had to work more than 14 hours per day.
The reality of those time was cruel and welfare nonsexist in human’s mind and aristocracy had the population under control but art changed this picture. Romantic poetry could gives hopes and through imagination let poor people to run away of their sad reality. Finally deep feelings and affections were important and poets began to write about the human essence. The topics were totally opposite to the issues of those times so the themes were about natural places full of beauty, freedom, human rights but also sadness, unhappiness, emptiness and criticism to the society were important topics in the romantic poetry.
The romantic painting also had a extraordinary represent through the figure of Caspar David Friedrich his famous paintings were focus on human loneliness and anguish cries related to the cosmic forces this means a new relationship human being-nature, the rescue of hidden values of night, magic and now the intuition was over the human reason. A clear example of this relationship human being and nature is the walking man over foggy sea. this picture shows the fusion between the painter and the object. Consequently the painter shows his emotions about his paintings, and subjectivism is predominant in the romantic times.
During those times extraordinary masterpieces through simplicity made strong social critics and the critical thinking was powerful.
Romantic poetry also were important in the 19th century because they made social critics between the lines. Also poetry produced on human beings travel to sacred and marvelous places through their imagination. An excellent figure of this art was the painter and the writer William Blake his topic were focus on the artist freedom so the writer could express his deep feeling and his inside view. In those times the relationship between the writer and the universe is full of mysticisms where the human spirit connect to hidden forces. Consequently this kind of artistic expression were consider strange and dark by the society of those times.
Later movements which were close related to the romantic view like expressionism also showed social critics through important pieces of art. For instance the painter Munch did a powerful social critics through his painting the Scream. This painting shows a face screaming, asking for help, trying to escape from misery. This painting shows the worries of a society who suffers abuse, loneliness and misery. Also this painter has an interpretation of a hopeless man in a devastated world by individual societies. The man is considered as a piece of a impersonal machinery.
Finally the romanticism was so powerful that had strong influenced on artistic movement in the 20th century. The romantic view helps me to understand why the artists express something totally different in comparison to the historic context of the 19th century. In the romantic period I can recognize that there are people who had a different sensitivity about the world. The romantic artist shows me other point of view of those times. The subjectivism was very important for them and this issue let me understand that objectivism is not everything in life. People like me is really difficult to understand and analyze this movement because I belong to the pragmatic people. This kind of exercises are marvelous to the mind cause I have to read between the lines and try to understand why some people leaves out of the limits of the society. Also this task helps develop tolerance and open mind. These concepts are fundamental at the present time because I am going to put value to the difference and diversity. Also I appreciate different point of view, ways of leaving and world vision. To sum up romantic influence let me comprehend other artistic expression in 20th century based on the romanticism.


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