Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Final essay

Virginia Woolf was a great writer in the 20th century. She contributed to make wider the women writers space through her work. Furthermore she inspired and encouraged a lot of women in Literature. What is more she wrote about different topics but always feminist topic was her main concern. Woolf had an intense life consequently her work was more intense and extraordinary.As a general point of view Virginia Woolf lived a difficult life. She was extremely intelligent thank to the cultural environment that she had. This writer was surrounded by an intellectual atmosphere that was fundamental for her. On the other hand, Woolf suffered the worst thing that a woman can experience, sexual abuse. This issue was so painful and traumatic that she got six. This terrible experience become in a ghost who attack her mind, concentration, health, marriage life, etc. However she was clever and through the writing she could find some peace.In the essay “On being ill” she express all her feelings about being ill, she explained the soul just look through the body, the spirit is always perfect but the body, the container gets six. She spent many days of her life in bed, because she was six but she was always writing. This book was fantastic because almost everybody writes about the mind but never about the body. Virginia through this book brought other important subject to literature, illness.Not only illness was her concern also feminist themes were present in her work. Woolf was worried about women role of those times. She knew that women have multi roles mother, housewife, lover, etc. In addition ignorance and economic dependence were harmful for the women writings. In order to improve women works and encourage women writers to write, she wrote A Room of One's own. She starts with this statement “a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction." It is hard and powerful but it is totally realistic. She knew that men have been studying from the beginning while women were cooking or washing the dishes. Consequently she dares to criticise women work though this novel.
Woolf in her essay “A room of one’s own” she invented a women writer and a novel. The main idea is to express the difficulties of a women writer and how important are these difficulties in the writer’s inspiration. Woolf analized the negative points which affect the writer’s inspiration. The first thing that Woolf says it is the importance of having a room of one’s own. It is normal that men have a personal place, a room forbbiden for children, a room for work. However a personal room for women was totally mad for those times. Even at the present time it is still weird, why a woman would need her own room? Woolf through her apectacular writing answer the question. She explaines that this personal room which has a door with a lock means that everything that exist out of the room is not important. Now everything is in the room it is important, and this room would be able to inspire the women writer.
On the other hand Woolf was not a poor person, she belonged to a middle upper class family. For this reason Woolf could write without to be worried about lack of money or working. Maybe Woolf did not know the unfair situation of the women who worked in the factories in terrible conditions. However, she knew gender discrimination and how difficult is to be a women writer in those times. The 20th century was the women movement, the women’s liberation, the female power and they fought and women got important things. The female vote, fair working conditions, etc. Nevertheless Woolf contributed to women liberation from other point of view. From the artistic point of view she contributed to women’s mind liberation.
In my case to know and to research about this writer was an unforgettable experience as a woman. I have learnt through this woman and others that I must to respect myself, my body, my spirit because they in the past work very hard for us. Thanks these brave women that at the present time we can study, work, write, sing, etc. Thanks these women we can make our own desicion and thanks Virginia Woolf that I am going to have my own room...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Virginia Woolf

"a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction."
A Room of One's
I want to analize her life and her work, I would like to focus on her two books, “A room of one’s own” and “on being ill”. I want to write about the relationship between her life and her work.

Feminist theme in her work.

Body: Possible topics
1) Biographical approach:
a) Mental illness

2) Power to women:
a) Women writers condition

Conclusion : She made a great contribution to feminist movement. Also, many women were inspired by Virginia Woolf.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Virginia Woolf

While men were creating, thinking, learning, writing, reading we were cooking, washing, raising children, and sending them to the world. Women were in darkness for many centuries. Thanks to the women who started feminist movement, they achieved a lot of things and the reading of this kind of text is moving, I feel proud of this kind of woman who was very objective at the moment of evaluate women writers of those times. The 20th century was complicated for women and to be a women writer was more difficult. There were many obstacles, society wasn’t prepared but finally at the present time we can see the changes. However, gender discrimination still exits but we are in the right way.

Virginia Woolf is one of the greatest women writers also Jane Austen, they are fundamental in the women readings because helps us to understand the path that the feminist movement did.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Good Luck or richness?
This short story is about the complexity of belonging to a certain social class. In the story the family does not have enough money but they must keep on the expensive style although. One of the children realizes about the luck of money. Consequently this issue was in the child’s mind, he asked his mother why they have money problems and the mother answered because your father is unlucky. This part in the short story is fundamental because it determined the central topic of the story. It is very important to be a lucky person more than to be rich. If you are lucky everything is going to be easier, you will know the right people at the right time in the correct place. Opportunities are going to be everywhere, any decision that you will make has positive consequences in your life. Great ideas will come up easily to your mind when you are a lucky person.Finally if you are rich and luck is not in your side you can loose your richness. Maybe you have a lot of money but you are lonely. In addition good luck is more important than richness because money without good luck is useless.

The invisible Japanese gentleman
This short story is related to the realism movement because it is a simple story full of common details. The comments of the narrator are fundamental in this short story for understand some important details about the characters. For instance through the narrator’s comments the reader can knows that the beautiful lady belongs to upper class. The role of the Japanese people is very important because the author tries to show that the lady does not have the power of observation. On the other hand the lady thinks she is an excellent writer with the power of observation. Nevertheless she does not have this power she is not able to see the reality she is always thinking about herself.
I think the main point of this story is a satire about romantic writers who are up in the moon instead of being focus on the reality. In addition the satire is concentrated on artists who belong to the aristocracy and their works are useless with cliché titles.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The waste land

The waste land:
The comparison between the poem and the Picture, they have many similar things. Both shows a dead land without life and nature is none exist, also both show feelings of loneliness. If I have to choose the best subtitle of the poem to the picture I would put the “dead water” .Water means life, nature, opportunity without water there is nothing, for that reason water is our most important natural resource. The poem and the picture are so powerful in order to emphasise our worst side, for example the destruction of our nature, our terrible garbage contribution. The picture and the poem are excellent in order to bring up these kinds of topics. I related the global warming issue with the poem and the picture, because global warming is our responsibility and the feeling of loneliness.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Odour of Chrysanthemums and the Rocking Horse Winner

These two short stories have a lot of points in common. The importance of money appears in both stories but from different points of view. In the Odour of Chrysanthemums the luck of money and the misery show up in everypart of the story. I notice these issues through the details of the narration, for instance the description of smells and colors. These descriptions are very clear that I can tell the poverty and the misery. In the Rocking Horse Winner also there is luck of money but there is no misery. The family refuse to face up to the reality and they still try to keep the expensive life style. Money is so important in this short story that the child of the family is worried about it.

There is another important point that the two stories have in common. The father figure is absent, the father appears as a supplier his main function is bring money to home and the affection part is nonexistent.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

luck or richness?

This short story is about the complexity of belong to a certain social class. In the story the family does not have enough money but they must keep the expensive style although. One of the children realizes about the luck of money. Consequently this issue was in the child’s mind, he asked to his mother why they have money problems and the mother answered because your father is unlucky. This part in the short story is fundamental because it determined the central topic of the story. It is very important to be a lucky person more than be rich. If you are lucky everything is going to be easier, you will know the right people at the right time in the correct place. Opportunities are going to be everywhere, any decision that you make will has positive consequences in your life. Great ideas will come up easily to your mind when you are lucky.
Finally if you are rich and luck is not in your side you can loose your richness. Maybe you have a lot of money but you are lonely. In addition luck is more important than richness because money without luck is useless.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The invisible Japanese gentleman

This short story is related to the realism movement because it is a simple story full of common details. The comments of the narrator are fundamental in the short story for understand some important details about the characters. For instance through the narrator’s comments the reader can knows that the beautiful lady belongs to upper class. The role of the japaneses is very important because the outhor tries to show that the lady does not have the power of observation. On the other hand the lady thinks she is an excellent writer with the power of observation. Nevertheless she does not have this power she is not able to see the reality she is always thinking about herself.

I think the main point of this story is a satire about romantic writers who are up in the moon instead of being focus on the reality. In addition the satire is concentrated on artists who belong to the aristocracy and their work are useless with cliche titles.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Romantic view:
In 19th century life was difficult. Human rights and welfare started in this period. Consequently abuse was present in every where. Nevertheless the world was changing the industrial revolution changed the way of leaving of human beings. Factories become important buildings located in the cities and poor people from the outsides saw factories as a life opportunity. Though they were wrong factories become in the symbol of power abuse. Children and women were exploitation and men had to work more than 14 hours per day.
The reality of those time was cruel and welfare nonsexist in human’s mind and aristocracy had the population under control but art changed this picture. Romantic poetry could gives hopes and through imagination let poor people to run away of their sad reality. Finally deep feelings and affections were important and poets began to write about the human essence. The topics were totally opposite to the issues of those times so the themes were about natural places full of beauty, freedom, human rights but also sadness, unhappiness, emptiness and criticism to the society were important topics in the romantic poetry.
The romantic painting also had a extraordinary represent through the figure of Caspar David Friedrich his famous paintings were focus on human loneliness and anguish cries related to the cosmic forces this means a new relationship human being-nature, the rescue of hidden values of night, magic and now the intuition was over the human reason. A clear example of this relationship human being and nature is the walking man over foggy sea. this picture shows the fusion between the painter and the object. Consequently the painter shows his emotions about his paintings, and subjectivism is predominant in the romantic times.
During those times extraordinary masterpieces through simplicity made strong social critics and the critical thinking was powerful.
Romantic poetry also were important in the 19th century because they made social critics between the lines. Also poetry produced on human beings travel to sacred and marvelous places through their imagination. An excellent figure of this art was the painter and the writer William Blake his topic were focus on the artist freedom so the writer could express his deep feeling and his inside view. In those times the relationship between the writer and the universe is full of mysticisms where the human spirit connect to hidden forces. Consequently this kind of artistic expression were consider strange and dark by the society of those times.
Later movements which were close related to the romantic view like expressionism also showed social critics through important pieces of art. For instance the painter Munch did a powerful social critics through his painting the Scream. This painting shows a face screaming, asking for help, trying to escape from misery. This painting shows the worries of a society who suffers abuse, loneliness and misery. Also this painter has an interpretation of a hopeless man in a devastated world by individual societies. The man is considered as a piece of a impersonal machinery.
Finally the romanticism was so powerful that had strong influenced on artistic movement in the 20th century. The romantic view helps me to understand why the artists express something totally different in comparison to the historic context of the 19th century. In the romantic period I can recognize that there are people who had a different sensitivity about the world. The romantic artist shows me other point of view of those times. The subjectivism was very important for them and this issue let me understand that objectivism is not everything in life. People like me is really difficult to understand and analyze this movement because I belong to the pragmatic people. This kind of exercises are marvelous to the mind cause I have to read between the lines and try to understand why some people leaves out of the limits of the society. Also this task helps develop tolerance and open mind. These concepts are fundamental at the present time because I am going to put value to the difference and diversity. Also I appreciate different point of view, ways of leaving and world vision. To sum up romantic influence let me comprehend other artistic expression in 20th century based on the romanticism.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Romantic poetry and women writers

Women writers in difficult conditions as a woman and artist in the 19th century.
1- Society of those times
2-Women role
a) women wives or nuns
b) Artistic women
They strated to open spaces forbidden for women. Thanks them we can develop in different aspect that in the past some works were consider just for men.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens was a great writer who was focused on society issues. He lived in 19th century which was an important age the industrial revolution brought positve things but also a lot of negative consequences to the society.

In his short story the signal man appears as a main character a man who is slave of his work and his job is a consequence of Industrial Revolution. The loneliness, and people without anny opportunity of escape to their cruel reality are themes that Dickens underlines in his stories. Through the signal man and Oliver Twist stories the outhor produces critical thinking. Consequently the reader really gets the idea of society of those times. A society which suffers in silence without rights, without welfare state and poverty is totally rejected and help is almost nonexistent.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Frankenstein comment:

This spectacular book is about a monster that had a difficult life and suffers by a strict society which ostracism is normal to people who do not behave as expected by society. The greatest issue of this creative story lets the reader makes the connection between the author’s life and the monster experiences, feelings and thoughts. The connection adds more beauty to the Frankenstein book.

the author had a powerful stigma from the beginning of her days. And she was considered like a monster by the society of those times, because her life was full of immoral issues I mean they were immoral for those times but also her life was full of knowledege and culture. This positive enviroment contributed to Mary became in a marvelous writer.

Friday, August 22, 2008


“Poetry is an art…of representing, in words, external nature and human thoughts and affections, both relatively to human affections, by the production of as much immediate pleasure in parts, as is compatible with the largest sum of pleasure in the whole”.

In the first paragraph is easy to understand why poetry is an art, because the artist through words takes us to a magic journey. This charm place call Kubla Khan located far away, but through the author’s words we can arrive to this magic place with our imagination and the feeling of pleasure is clear in every sentence.

The admiration of external nature is also present in the whole poem producing in our minds marvellous natural pictures.

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan (1)
A stately pleasure-dome decree:
Alph, (2) the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.
So twice five miles of fertile ground
With walls and towers were girdled round:
And there were gardens bright with sinuous
rills, (3)
Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree;
And here were forests ancient as the hills,
Enfolding sunny spots of greenery.

“It is essential to poetry that it should be simple, and appeal to the elements and primary laws of nature; that it should be sensuous, and by its imagery elicit truth at a flash; that it should be impassioned, and be able to move our feelings and awaken affection”

A savage place! as holy and enchanted
As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted

Through wood and dale the sacred river ran,

This abstracts show the requests clearly. Simpleness and beauty at the same time in the senteces. They produce instantaneous effect in human imagination and pleasure to the spirit. The awaken affection through the positive effect in human mind. Finally now I am really conscious about the meaning of art.

3. “It was agreed that my endevour should be directed to persons and characters supernatural, or at least romantic; yet so as to transfer from our inward nature a human interest and a semblance of truth sufficient to procedure for these shadows of the imagination that willing suspension of belief for the moment which constitutes poetic faith”.

A damsel with a dulcimer (6)
In a vision once I saw:
It was an
Abyssinian (7) maid,
And on her dulcimer she played,
Singing of Mount Abora.
Could I revive within me
Her symphony and song

In this abstract the authors directs to a woman all the time also romanticism is achieve in this beautiful parragraph. The presence of an anusual instrument add more beauty to the poem.

To such a deep delight 'twould win me,
That with music loud and long,

Inward nature and human interest appear in this few sentences at the same time music is playing in the poem all the time.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Mozart Sym No.40 1st Mov.
Moonlight sonata Beethoven
I feel a powerful energy flying in my body.
Karajan - Beethoven Symphony No. 5 - Part 1